Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday USA!!!!!

Hope everyone have lots of Hotdogs and soda or Pop or even Beer and relaxes on this day of celabration.
Our plans are to partake in the Reno Aces 4th of July baseball game this evening.
Fireworks are planned for after the game and Auntie P is up visiting from Sacramento that is who the Aces play tonight and it happens to be her favorite AAA team.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pictures from our Vacation

Hope you enjoy the Pictures !!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

We made it back to Nevada

What a great trip we had!!
Thanks to Bob and Shirley for letting us invade their home for 5 days it was like a home away from home.
Thank you Janell and Randy for the wonderful day at the farm and great food.
Thank you Sue for the great dinner and hospitality on our way to South Dakota.
The kids held up very well for all the traveling and sight seeing.
Mt. Rushmore was hot and breathtaking and really neat.
Crazy Horse was awesome Skyler commented "They won't even have it finished before he dies at the rate they are going" We will have to check the progress in a couple years.
Special thanks to Myrna for following in an extra vehicle I beleive it saved a life or two.
I will get pictures uploaded as soon as I can.
We all enjoyed the experience and can't wait to do it again.

Goofing off at CWS

A day at the Farm

A day at the Farm

Gettig wet at the CWS